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You know an It Bag when you see it; the celebrity fan base, a waiting list, and a price tag that at times rivals that of a used Dodge Neon.  The mother of all Replica Balenciaga Bags has been the highly coveted Birkin bag by Hermes.  Kanye even had one customized  with a one-of-a-kind painting for fiance Kim this past Christmas.  Created in 1984, it's held its mystique as one of the most unattainable bags in fashion history, but even the ever elusive Birkin was not immune to the recession, and the uncrackable waitlist was done away with in 2010.

But now, unemployment is down (thanks Obama!) stocks are going up, and while it may have seemed as though it were the worst word to use in 2013, luxury is on the rebound. And with that, the superfluous It Bag.

Replica Balenciaga Bags

Sarah Jessica Parker is known for being ahead of the fashion curve, so when she steps out in something we can afford, we notice! At $548, the Pebbled Borough bag from Coach is certainly nothing to sneeze at, but for a high-quality leather piece that will remain stylish for a good time to come, it's definitely worth the investment.

Only in its second season of production, Manser Gavriel makes a great bag; simple, minimalist, made of Italian leather and mercifully affordable (this bag retails for only $495). But because of their innate fabulousness, they were scooped up by all the fashion types, like the lovely Kirsten Dunst, at a blazingly fast pace and sold out in days!

For those whose tastes are a bit more classically inclined, there's always the Antigona bag from Givenchy. Instantly adding Parisian chic to any street style ensemble, the Antigona tote has been the top of everyone's wishlist since the new collection arrived last year. With a grained leather design, silver hardware and a roomy interior, it goes with everything! Just ask model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley she has them in both black and green. Not as affordable as the ones above, it goes for $2100-$2500.

We are loving the Vivienne from Louis Vuitton because of its size and versatility.  The bag can be carried like a top handle bag on the crook of your arm or on your shoulder, and you have that option to take out that strap and use the longer, detachable strap and carry it like Miranda Kerr did.  If you're at all into the small bag trend right now, the Vivienne should be calling your name and for $5000, that better not be its only trick.

When Jessica Alba isn't trying to save the world one diaper at a time, she's about town carrying her Kalifornia bag, which starts at $1005.  Inspired by a road trip down the coast of Cali taken by its creative directors, the design aesthetic for this bag is rooted in skateboarding and rock culture, with a toast to it's French luxury label, Kenzo.  And we love their nod to youth culture and while paying tribute to their West Coast upbringing in this fun bag.

Last but not at all least is the Baylee bag from the elegant fashion house of Chloé. This iconic bag is to die for gorgeous, but in a casual kind of way that just works.  We love the simplicity in its design, from the color blocking to the shape it takes on when carried like a tote.  And when worn as a shoulder bag, it still feels incredibly fresh, modern and uber chic!

So, rest assured, there are many designer hermes bags outlet to choose from, if the Birkin is still out of your reach, that are just as fabulous, delectable and most importantly, obtainable.