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Still feeling that New Year, New You vibe? If so read on! A new year brings feelings of renewal ‘out with the old in with the new’ is the mantra so what’s lurking in your closet that it might be time to say goodbye to?

As closet editors, we see a lot of repetition in our client’s wardrobes, tons of dated black pants (bootcut, low waisted, wide leg) out- of-style skirts clipped onto those complicated skirt hangers (guaranteed the bottom four skirts haven’t seen the light of day since 2002).

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Remember that skirts, pants, denim and shoes all date very quickly: denim trends change like the wind, heels on shoes are very specific to an era, waistlines and hemlines on pants and skirts will also timestamp a piece high-low skirts and super low waisted work pants being a great example of a trend that’s now passed.

Replica Burberry Handbags are another category that people have a hard time purging but the reality is that the ‘It Bag’ phenomenon of the early 2000’s has left us with too many old-fashioned styles most of which will never come back into fashion. Keep the classics styles that you can still purchase now in stores but let go of anything that tells the world exactly how long you’ve had that replica hermes handbags!  

We asked two of our fabulous wardrobe stylists, Ivy and Iman, to give us their ‘must-go’ items for 2019. So get ready to purge!

Ivy, what are you urging your clients to clear out of their closets right now?

“1. Everything and anything you're holding on to just because you spent the $$$. Whether it be the purse, the dress, the skirt Sell it and let someone else enjoy it while you buy something you'll actually love and wear! 

2. Please get rid of those overused heels, especially if you've already taken them to the cobbler several times! The time is now get a fresh pair!”

“Sheer pants and skirts, which were trending in the past few years aren’t flattering to hardly anyone. There are much easier ways of having a warm weather edge, with rompers, cut-outs and unexpected set pairings, so let the sheer be gone.”

I also recommend editing your belt collection, as it is often overlooked and can become so messy that the whole category gets avoided when dressing. Belts can make a huge impact but only if you can see them and remember to put one on!”

If editing your own closet seems too overwhelming, call in the experts: Tradesy Closet Concierge offers 3-Hour Closet Curation Appointments with two stylists your closet will be streamlined in no time.

For those of you adept at wardrobe weeding, TCC also offers a Free 1 Hour Consignment Pick Up appointment for on trend, luxury, designer brands.

Once you’ve made room for some lovely new pieces check out our ‘Stylists Obsessions’ Tradesy Closet for inspiration.